I've posted a new commentary on T-29.VIII, "Seek Not Outside Yourself." This is a great section! It will be weeks before we study it in our group. This coming Tuesday, 09/29/2020, we'll continue our study of T-28.IV, "Separating the Dreamer from the Dream," beginning with paragraph 6. We'll probably continue on to begin T-28.V.
I have posted a commentary on T-29.VII, "Swear Not to Die." Our next Zoom meeting is this Tuesday, 09/08/2020, 10 AM to noon, Pacific Daylight Time. We will resume study with T-28.III, "The Feast of Plenty." Please have a print copy; the file is on my website at this link:
Download File Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81448831041?pwd=L3BGRm9DL0U4cVQzdnNyODY3WUp4QT09 I've posted the commentaries for T-29.V, "Dream Roles," and T-29.VI, "The Changeless Dwelling Place." Please download and print copies if you can, and bring them with you when the time comes.
Our next meeting, first of the Fall, will be September 8, via Zoom. We'll be studying T-28.III. Here's a link to the Zoom meeting, which takes place Tuesday, 9/8, 10:00 AM to noon Pacific Daylight Time. Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81448831041?pwd=L3BGRm9DL0U4cVQzdnNyODY3WUp4QT09 |
Author: allen watsonI lead a weekly study group in A Course in Miracles at Unity Church of Portland. I formerly worked with Robert Perry in The Circle of Atonement, a teaching and healing organization focused on A Course in Miracles and based in Sedona, Arizona. Prior to that I worked as a computer programmer, trainer, system manager, and consultant on VAX/VMS computers. I'm now retired, still writing, and living in Portland with my wife, Peggy Baldwin, enjoying genealogy and Bible study as hobbies. Archives
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