I have uploaded a commentary on T-19.I.7–16, "Healing and Faith." I expect to study it on December 15.
We will not be meeting on December 22 or December 29. Meetings will resume on January 5.
COMMENTARY ON T-19.I.1-6, "THE ATTAINMENT OF PEACE," HAS BEEN UPLOADED. holiday schedule.11/23/2015 I have uploaded a commentary on T-19.I.1–6, "The Attainment of Peace." I expect to begin study of this long section on December 8 and conclude it with paragraphs 7 to 16 on December 15.
We will not be meeting on December 22 or December 29. Meetings will resume on January 5. I have uploaded a commentary on T-18.IX, "The Two Worlds." This commentary has three appendices; enjoy! We will probably begin study of this long section on November 24 and conclude it on December 1, since it has 14 paragraphs.
I've uploaded the commentary for Text Chapter 18, Section VIII, "The Little Garden." This is a long section. We'll at least begin it tomorrow, Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2015. I'm still working on the commentary for the following section.
Due to a conflict for meeting space, we cannot meet in the Chapel tomorrow morning (11/3). We’ll be in the main sanctuary, up front. We’ll be continuing with our detailed coverage of “I Need Do Nothing," probably finishing on 11/10. (The conflict, by the way, is that my wife, Peggy, will be teaching a meditation class in the Chapel tonight and tomorrow morning.)
The following week, on 11/10, our meeting will have to end by noon rather than 12:30 because I have a plane to catch at 3 PM! Peggy and I are leaving on a 5-day trip to Salt Lake City, We need to hustle so we can grab lunch at the airport. |
Author: allen watsonI lead a weekly study group in A Course in Miracles at Unity Church of Portland. I formerly worked with Robert Perry in The Circle of Atonement, a teaching and healing organization focused on A Course in Miracles and based in Sedona, Arizona. Prior to that I worked as a computer programmer, trainer, system manager, and consultant on VAX/VMS computers. I'm now retired, still writing, and living in Portland with my wife, Peggy Baldwin, enjoying genealogy and Bible study as hobbies. Archives
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