Since the 1990s, my Workbook Commentaries have been available on the Circle of Atonement website, A few days ago, they disappeared. It seems the Circle has decided to remove them in the process of renovating their website. I've asked if they can be put back, but I'm not counting on it.
I had always intended to have copies of the Workbook Commentaries on this site, but it was more convenient just to link to the Circle, where they were already up and indexed. I have begun the tedious process of moving them onto this site. You will see five lessons in the menu bar to the left, and I will be adding additional ones through the end of the year. Eventually I will create an index page where you can just click a link to each lesson, or type a lesson number into a box and go straight to it. But that takes some HTML coding, and I'm really rusty on doing that. Fortunately I have all the lesson commentaries in HTML format on my hard drive here at home! Those are the ones I am uploading. CAVEAT: Any links contained in the lesson commentary pages will not work, until I have a chance to update them, which is a tedious task.
Author: allen watsonI lead a weekly study group in A Course in Miracles at Unity Church of Portland. I formerly worked with Robert Perry in The Circle of Atonement, a teaching and healing organization focused on A Course in Miracles and based in Sedona, Arizona. Prior to that I worked as a computer programmer, trainer, system manager, and consultant on VAX/VMS computers. I'm now retired, still writing, and living in Portland with my wife, Peggy Baldwin, enjoying genealogy and Bible study as hobbies. Archives
August 2024
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