January 20
"I am determined to see."
Exercise: twice an hour (preferably every half hour)Repeat idea slowly and positively, remembering that you are determined to exchange your present state for one you really want.
Remarks: This is the first introduction of structure. The requirements thus far have been very casual, not because our goal is trivial, but because you will not pursue it if you feel coerced. Do not take the introduction of structure as an attempt to force you. You want salvation, happiness. And training your mind is how you will find them.
Response To Temptation: Apply idea to any situation, person or event that upsets you.
Today's lesson does not really ask all that much of us: Every half hour, remember to repeat the words, "I am determined to see." If we are studying the Course this is something we probably truly want.
You want salvation. You want to be happy. You want peace (2:3-5).
Why then all the foofaraw about our feeling coerced, resentful and opposed to the instructions?
Because, "This is our first attempt to introduce structure" (2:1), and it will not be the last. Our undisciplined minds have a built-in resistance to structure. So what if it's good for us? Actually something we want? If someone tells us to do it in a certain way, at certain times, we rebel. We drag our feet. We don't like being told what to do or how to do it. Our mind is "totally undisciplined" and wants to remain that way to protect the ego's vested interests (2:6).
The practice asked is extremely simple. So try it. You'll probably be amazed at how often you forget, how the thought of doing it may flash into your mind only to be postponed because it isn't convenient at the moment, or because "It isn't really important," and then forgotten completely. This is why the Workbook approaches the whole idea of structure with great caution; it knows there will be resistance, and is trying to make us realize just how important this deceptively simple practice really is. This is why it says: "Do not be distressed if you forget to do so, but make a real effort to remember" (5:2).
"Your decision to see is all that vision requires" (3:1). If we could really get this lesson, in other words, and truly mean what we are saying, the job would be done. Vision would be ours. "In your determination to see is vision given you" (3:8). This is not a trivial lesson; it is the core of everything the Course is teaching. So let's put our heart into it today! Let's do this joyfully, even--dare I say?--religiously, every half hour. Let's repeat the idea "slowly and positively" (5:1). Let's "make a real effort to remember" (5:2). Let's apply it "to any situation, person or event that upsets" us (5:3).
You can see them differently, and you will. What you desire you will see. Such is the real law of cause and effect as it operates in the world (5:4-6)).
Copyright © 1996, The Circle of Atonement, Sedona,
Arizona, USA.
All rights reserved.