November 6
"In fearlessness and love I spend today."
(See Part II Practice Summary, and also Part II Introduction)
All my days are meant to be spent with You, Father, in fearlessness and love (1:1). All of them. I seldom spend my day this way, but today, Father, I would do so. I open my heart to give this day to You. Let it be so, as You will. Let me know the joy that comes from Heaven, not from time (1:2-3). Let the interfering voice in my mind be still, and let me hear Heaven's music (2:2). I ask not for ecstatic visions that transport me out of this world forever, but I do ask that today be something new, something higher, a foretaste of what is in store for me at the end of time.
Let this day be "Your sweet reminder to remember You" (1:4). Gift me with Your grace, Father. Let me experience something that will serve as a continuing reminder to turn my mind to You again and again.
Let this day be "Your gracious calling to Your holy Son" (1:4). Open my ears, and teach me to listen. Let me hear Your calling today. Let me feel the drawing power of Your eternal Love.
Let this day be "the sign Your grace has come to me, and that it is Your Will I be set free today" (1:4). May there be a fresh and poignant awareness of Your working in my life, Your touch upon me. May I see signs that my freedom is Your Will. May I find renewed confidence in the certainty of the outcome that awaits me in Your plan.
Today let a song of thankfulness rise up within me. Increase my awareness that I am joining an eternal song, sung by every part of Your creation. Let me, as the psalmist said, "Sing unto the Lord a new song." Let me recognize the rejoicing that is life itself, given by God, as all the world joins with us in the song.
"There is no room in us for fear today, for we have welcomed love into our hearts" (2:4).
What is the Second Coming? (Part 10)
Copyright © 1996, The Circle of Atonement, Sedona,
Arizona, USA.
All rights reserved.